Salute aviaria

Screening e sverminazione
An initial screening test for psitticossis for all birds; e becco e piume per i membri della famiglia dei cacatua sono consigliati, se si acquista un nuovo uccello da un negozio di animali o da un allevatore che non può garantire il loro stock.
Tutti i riproduttori di birdtalks sono stati testati e sono tenuti al chiuso per prevenire la contaminazione da uccelli selvatici.
Tutti gli uccelli dovrebbero essere sverminati regolarmente. I nostri uccelli nidificanti vengono sverminati all'inizio di ogni stagione.

Dormire, Sunlight & Doccia
Gli uccelli hanno bisogno di molto sonno. In natura di solito si appollaiano al tramonto e si alzano all'alba. Manteniamo questa routine, mettendoli a letto al tramonto (nella loro gabbia del sonno). È bene posizionarli in un'area di luce naturale per svegliarli all'alba.
Gli uccelli richiedono molta luce solare naturale (non filtrata attraverso il vetro (poiché blocca alcuni raggi UV necessari per stimolare l'assorbimento delle vitamine). Richiedono anche molta stimolazione poiché sono spesso impegnati in un ambiente naturale, alla ricerca di cibo e a interagire con i loro compagni o altri membri del loro gregge Molti uccelli allevati a mano giocheranno con i giocattoli.
rami da masticare
cose su cui arrampicarsi come reti, cavalletti, reti da arrampicata e spirali ecc.
giocattoli per il foraggiamento
compagnia con i loro proprietari e altri compagni di posatoio. La maggior parte dei veterinari di uccelli consiglia che il tuo uccello abbia un compagno di posatoio poiché sono animali da gregge allo stato brado.
Nei giorni caldi molti uccelli che amano la doccia ottengono una leggera nebbia dal tubo per rinfrescarsi e per aiutare con l'igiene e la toelettatura. Gli uccelli più piccoli di solito fanno il bagno nelle loro ciotole d'acqua. Si consiglia di fare la doccia regolare (una volta alla settimana) e può aiutare a prevenire una toelettatura eccessiva e mantenere il piumaggio in buone condizioni. L'acqua fuoriuscirà da piume sane sulla maggior parte delle specie. Nota: mantieniti caldo in inverno (fai la doccia solo nei giorni caldi e lascia asciugare il tuo uccello al sole o con il riscaldatore acceso se nei climi più freddi).

See page on Diet Click Here

When housing your pets remember one size does not fit all, and bigger is not always better. Some birds feel safer in a smaller cage.
Some people are of the belief that housing any bird in any cage is cruel. In our experience we have not found that to be the case. In fact we have found that all of our hand reared birds feel safe in their cage, and most will readily go back in to eat or play. . This is not to say they should be left in there all the time. They should be given regular time outside the cage to have a fly. Routine is important, as birds will get used to when its time to eat, and when its time to come out for play time - or a cuddle. Caged birds should be encouraged to fly when outside, as some can become a bit lazy. This is due to the fact that in the wild they need to fly to find food. Caged birds have it home delivered.
Having the cage set up correctly is important. Most birds like to sit up high so a perch near the top is a good idea. Getting the correct size is important for good foot health. Have a variety and range of perches of different sizes is also a good idea. We have cement perches which we find some birds love to sit or even sleep on. It provides very good grip, and is good for beak sharpening and keeping nails trimmed. It is important that your bird does not spend too much time on these as they can develop hard sections on their toes and feet. Thats why having a variety is important. Many will find a favourite they will use. Spiral sisal perches are great to hang from the roof of the cage to the bottom. Birds like to climb these and also hang off them. They are bird safe. Avoid rope perches and swings as birds can not digest rope. Many end up with compacted crops with a visit to the vet. They can also become frayed with strands that birds can get caught in. We had one of ours that had it caught around its neck and would have died had we not been within ear shot of the loud screeching.
Some birds sleep on perches and some on the bottom of the cage or a flat surface. Many smaller birds like to sleep in hammocks or tent shaped beds. This can vary, however. We had an Eclectus parrot that liked to sleep in a hammock. Some parrots will sleep in a box if the cage is big enough to hold one. We don't recommend that, as it encourages the females to lay eggs, and its difficult to keep an eye on them if they become unwell for some reason (its different for aviary birds of course).
A readily supply of clean water is recommended. A bowl in a holder or one they cannot easily tip over is important. Same applies for the food bowl. Birds can get bored and tipping these over is a regular ocurance. Putting these up high near the perch is recommended. Using foraging toys for food and treats helps to ease boredom.
Bird toys are also important to keep your friend occupied. We have a macaw that will play with a hanging bell often and regularly. He sometimes takes his frustrations out on it, and gives it a good working over. Many Eclectus parrots like foot toys they can grip